Donate Today

Every Contribution Makes a Difference

Did you know that grassroots donations are considered just powerful to campaigns as large dollar contributions? Not only does the media track how many supporters a campaign has, but people who give any amount to a campaign are more likely to share information with their community and volunteer. Do what you can to show your support in this historic effort.

Give to Her Campaign

Every dollar truly does make a difference. They are used for the supplies like clipboards and water needed to knock on doors, to cover the costs of travel and event planning for all of the rallies, town halls, and community appearances, and to create the hundreds of ads designed to reach millions on social media, legacy media, and in the homes of voters nationwide.
Here are some of the ways your donation would be leveraged today:

Secure advertising and media buys to reach as many voters as possible, particularly in swing states and in areas with critical Congressional races.

Amplify her story and the truth about her positions to combat negative ads and outright lies about her background and her character.

Hire staff, purchase supplies, and open field offices to engage with voters on the ground in our communities. So far, more than 2,000 field staff have been are being placed in more than 310 offices in battleground states, but this is a close election and we need to reach as many people as possible. (Data via ABC News)

Dollars Raised for the Kamala Harris Campaign

Give to Our Initiative

The Cocktails and Coffee initiatives are amplified by Democracy Legacy, an independent expenditure committee dedicated to creating persuasive messaging and targeting independently-minded voters, particularly women and people of color. CLICK HERE to learn more about the millions of voters we are reaching with our efforts.

Get your own Cocktails for Kamala or Coffee for Kamala fundraising page.

NEW: Get your own OFFICIAL Harris-Walz Campaign Fundraising Page!

Now you can get your own page to raise donations for the Kamala Harris for President campaign. Share it on social, with your friends and family, or even with a QR code or link in printed materials.

Get Involved

Here are some of the ways you can
dive in and make a difference.

Attend an Event

Find an event in your area to meet with other Harris-Walz supporters. No event yet? Sign up to get a notification when events are happening in your area.

Host an Event

Whether you are new to campaigns or you have been organizing for years, our team will help you ensure that your event is a fun and positive experience.


We are weeks away from one of the most consequential elections of our lifetimes. Every dollar truly will make a difference.

This is a supporter-led effort. 100% of all contributions are authorized and go directly to the Harris-Walz Presidential Campaign. Event hosts and content creators are not representatives speaking on behalf of the campaign or Vice President Harris.

Your safety matters to us! If you do attend any events where alcohol is served, please drink responsibly and do not drink and drive.

Any funds contributed to Democracy Legacy Inc.'s efforts to amplify this initiative are made directly the independent expenditure committee governed by the Federal Elections Commission. Democracy Legacy is not affiliated with any other candidate or committee.